
Medea Vodka

How to Program a Message on Your MEDEA Bottle from Medea Spirits on Vimeo.

Yes! We are one step closer too having cereal boxes that blink and flash at us in the supermarket. But think of all the fun messages you could leave on the bottle. They have a great tag line "please drink and program responsibly"

He are a few off the top of my head:
Touch and Die
You have problems
Get your own bottle
This wont fix your problems
The number to AA is 555-5555
Happy Birthday
You will have a hangover in the morning

Seems like you could have a ton of fun with this baby. It will hold 255 characters per message, that is more than a tweet. I can not wait to find one of these in the store. Here is the link to there website medeaspirits.com. If any one sees these around leave me a comment to know where we can get one.


Anonymous said...

I have a good one, What about Cheers, It has many definitions.

cheers [tʃɪəz]
sentence substitute Informal chiefly Brit
1. a drinking toast
2. goodbye! cheerio!
3. thanks!

Tommie said...

How about: "Bibamus, moriendum est" (Let's drink, death is inevitable.)
- Seneca the Elder (55 BC - 37 AD)