

Project from this past weekend. I got my inspiration from my friend KNY a Luceriffic. If anyone wants details on dimensions let me know. Its built out of scrap 2x4 that were laying around after other projects, and the signs were collected when I was a kid years and years ago. They had been laying underneath the house so I finally found a use for them. It took about 5 hours to build, I haven't gotten the inside finish where fridge and shelves go but hopefully next weekend will allow for that. Need to look at putting wheels on it so I can move it by myself. Also was think about putting a hinge or where I could remove the bar top easy enough to make through doorways. It could be built using 2x2 which would drop the weight, but I was too lazy to rip my 2x4's down.


Unknown said...

So cool.

Melissa said...

Kny so rocks. Looks good, where is the wet part?

Unknown said...

@Kny thanks

@Melissa haven't the fridge in it yet.